A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers that provide us with information
- Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes by John Arundel, Justin Domingus
- Cloud Native Infrastructure by Justin Garrison and Kris Nòva
- Container platform for the Enterprise by Armin Coralic
- DevOps with Kubernetes by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee, Cheng-Yang Wu
- Distributed Machine Learning Patterns by Yuan Tang
- Docker and Kubernetes Under the Hood (Chinese) by Harry Zhang, Jianbo Sun and ZJU SEL lab
- Docker in Action, Second Edition by Jeff Nickoloff and Stephen Kuenzli
- Docker in Practice, Second Edition by Ian Miell & Aidan Hobson Sayers
- Getting Started with Kubernetes by Jonathan Baier
- Golden Guide to Kubernetes Application Development by Matthew Palmer
- Google Anthos in Action by Antonio Gulli et al.
- Kubernetes Book (OpenSource Book) by Leverege Developers
- Kubernetes Cookbook - Second Edition by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee, Ke-Jou Carol Hsu
- Kubernetes Design Patterns and Extensions by Onur Yilmaz
- Kubernetes Handbook (OpenSource Book in Chinese) by Pengfei Ni
- Kubernetes Handbook (OpenSource Book in Chinese) by Jimmy Song
- Kubernetes in Action by Marko Lukša
- Kubernetes: Scheduling the Future at Cloud Scale by Dave K. Rensin
- Kubernetes: Up and Running by Kelsey Hightower
- Mastering Kubernetes by Gigi Sayfan
- OpenShift in Action by Jamie Duncan & John Osborne
- Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift by Nebrass Lamouchi
- The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes by Viktor Farcic
- Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition by Iain Foulds
- Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches by Elton Stoneman
- CI/CD with Docker and Kubernetes (Open source book) by Marko Anastasov, Jerome Petazzoni, Tomas Fernandez
- Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition by Marko Lukša
- Kubernetes for Developers by William Denniss