
AWS EMR Info including Hadoop, Map Reduce and Hive along with Machine Learning

Project maintained by ramitsurana Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



EMR File Storage and Compression

Algorithm/Compression Type Splittable Compression Ratio Compress_Decompress Speed
GZIP No High Medium
bzip2 Yes Very High Slow
LZO Yes Low Fast
Snappy No Low Very Fast

HBase vs Dynamodb

HBase Dynamodb
Wide Column Store Key-Value Store
No row size restrictions Item Size Restricted
Flexible Row Key Data Types Scalar Types
Index Creation is more manual Easier Index Creation

View Web Interfaces Hosted on Amazon EMR Clusters

Name of interface URI
YARN ResourceManager http://master-public-dns-name:8088/
YARN NodeManager http://slave-public-dns-name:8042/
Hadoop HDFS NameNode http://master-public-dns-name:50070/
Hadoop HDFS DataNode http://slave-public-dns-name:50075/
Spark HistoryServer http://master-public-dns-name:18080/
Zeppelin http://master-public-dns-name:8890/
Hue http://master-public-dns-name:8888/
Ganglia http://master-public-dns-name/ganglia/
HBase UI http://master-public-dns-name:16010/

Long Running vs Transient Cluster

Long Running Cluster Transient Cluster
Cluster stays up and runningfor queries against HBase Temporary Cluster
Jobs in cluster run frequently Shouts Down after Processing
Data may be large Batch jobs when needed
Keeps HDFS Data on Core Nodes Input,Output and Code Stored in S3
Termination Protection Easy Recovery
- Hive metastore stored in MySQL RDS
- Reduces Costs

EMR Cluster Differences b/w Large Nodes, Small Cluster and Small Nodes, Large Cluster

Large Nodes and Small Cluster Small Nodes and Large Cluster
500 Large Nodes 750 small nodes
AWS recommends a small cluster with large nodes due to low maintanence It requires High maintanence

Replication factor

Setting can be found in hdfs-site.xml

** Use HDFS for high I/O requirements.**

HDFS Capacity

For example, 10 nodes * 800 GB = 8 TB

For a Replication Factor of 3.

HDFS capacity => 8 TB/3 = 2.6 TB

Comparing the Data Size and HDFS capcity, we get,

Data Size => 3 TB
HDFS Capacity => 2.6 TB

Conclusion is NOT enough Space


Hue UI Browser

Ref - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-hue.html LDAP Integration - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/hue-ldap.html


Advantages -

Disadvantages -

Hadoop Encryped Shuffle

Data in-transit between nodes is encrypted.

This process involves transferring data from node to node within the cluster, and if you want that data to be encrypted in-transit between nodes, then Hadoop encrypted shuffle has to be setup. Encrypted Shuffle capability allows encryption of the MapReduce shuffle using HTTPS. When you select the in-transit encryption checkbox in the EMR security configuration, Hadoop Encrypted Shuffle is automatically setup for you upon cluster launch.

It allows encryption of the MapReduce shuffle using HTTPS and with optional client authentication(HTTPS with client certificates). It includes -

For enabling the shuffle, the hadoop files need to changed as per the properties file mentioned in the link below.

Ref - https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/EncryptedShuffle.html

Library used for Kinesis Steaming



  1. EBS volumes get deleted once EMR cluster is terminated.
  2. (D2 and I3 instance types)Instance storage can be used for HDFS if the I/O requirements of the EMR cluster are high.
  3. Once you enable encryption for a Redshift cluster upon launch, you can cannot then change it to an unencrypted cluster. You’ll have to unload the data and reload the data into a new cluster with your new encryption setting.

EMR Encryption


We need to use EMR with EMRFS. However, your security team requires that you both encrypt all data before sending it to S3 and that you maintain the keys.

Answer Would use CSE-Custom, where you would encrypt the data before sending it to S3 and also manage the the client-side master key. The other encryption options available are: S3 Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3), S3 manages keys for you; Server-Side Encryption with KMS–Managed Keys (SSE-KMS), S3 uses a customer master key that is managed in the Key Management Service to encrypt and decrypt the data before saving it to an S3 bucket; Client-Side Encryption with KMS-Managed Keys (CSE-KMS), the EMR cluster uses a customer master key to encrypt data before sending it to Amazon S3 for storage and to decrypt the data after it is downloaded.

Machine Learning

Key concepts in greater detail:

Types of ML-


Use Data Source as

Create (train) an ML Model -

Under training and evaluation settings, we can select Default Settings or Custom Settings -> Create a ML Model

Evaluate an ML model -

AWS Supervised Machine learning Models are -

Models Purpose Example Algorithm Measuring Unit for Quality of Histogram
Binary Classification Model Predict a binary outcome (one of two possible classes) “Is this email spam or not spam?” Logistic regression AUC(Area Under Curve) [Higher the value, better the quality]
Multiclass Classification Model multiple classes (predict one of more than two outcomes) “Is this product a book, movie, or clothing?” multinomial logistic regression Confusion Matrix
Regression Model predict a numeric value. “What price will this house sell for?” Linear regression RMSE [Lower the value, better the quality]

Ref - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/machine-learning/latest/dg/types-of-ml-models.html

0 - Most Likely 1 - Unlikely

The confusion matrix gives some insights about the performance of the model as a way to visualize the accuracy of multiclass classification predictive models. The confusion matrix illustrates in a table the number or percentage of correct and incorrect predictions for each class by comparing an observation’s predicted class and its true class.

Blue Color - Correct Predictions Light Brownish Color - Incorrect Predictions

F1 measures the quality of the model. Ranges from 0 to 1. Higher the F1 Score, better the Quality of ML model.

If the value is near to 1 or above 0.5, then the binary model prediction is correct else high chances of it being wrong.It comes under default settings. It measures prediction accuracy.

The trade off threshold value provides a business approach to alter the false positives and negatives based on a business descision from the output of the outcome graph.

Batch Prediction -

Obtains output of a data source batch and creates a csv file with results into S3.Output CSV will contain sample like -

Best Answer Score
0 0.32
1 0.98

Here the Best Answer will be 0 or 1, depending upon the threshold value set by user in the settings.

Real Time Predictions

Under Evaluations -> Try-Real Time Predictions -> Paste a Record



