Getiing Started

Follow these commands to get started

go get -v
cd $GOPATH/src/

#For aliasing use
alias turbo="sudo '${GOPATH}/src/'"


  • Made with Love

    Turbo is built keeping in mind the needs of the community

  • Beautifully Designed

    Turbo is designed using the best of options

  • Ultra Fast

    Turbo is built using Golang which makes it fast to run in your enviorment.

Command Description
clean Cleans up all your docker images from your system
destroy Clears all your exited or stopped docker containers from your system
monitor Helps you to monitor your docker containers using glances
backup Creates a backup copy of your Docker Stuff
mikube Install and run minikube on your machine
refresh Completely removes Docker from your sytem and installs the latest version of Docker
harbor Installs and configures VMWare's Harbor private docker registry on your system
ship Easily transfer your docker images over another I.P.
More to come


Turbo API


These may vary according to the date of changes being made.Please check the repo for more info.

  • 1 Forks
  • 2 Contributors
  • 3 Stars
  • 0Issues
  • 2Downloads


Turbo API