Useful Articles¶
A piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication
Cloud Providers¶
- AWS Advent 2014 - CoreOS and Kubernetes on AWS by Tim Dsyinger
- Kubernetes and AWS VPC Peering by Ben Straub
- Testing Kubernetes on AWS by Alan Will
- Manage Kubernetes Clusters on AWS Using Kops
- Production grade Kubernetes on AWS: Primer (Part 1) by Guy Maliar
- Production grade Kubernetes on AWS: 4 tools that made our lives easier (Part 2) by Guy Maliar
- Production grade Kubernetes on AWS: 3 tips for networking, ingress and microservices (Part 3) by Guy Maliar
- Production grade Kubernetes on AWS: 3 lessons learned scaling a cluster (Part 4) by Guy Maliar
- Continuous Deployment with Google Container Engine and Kubernetes
- Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean with Python and Fabric
- Deploy a Kubernetes development cluster with Juju! by Matt Bruzek
- State of Managed Kubernetes 2020 by Yitaek Hwang
- Basics of autoscaling nodes and pods in Kubernetes by Inshaal Amjad
- Logging in Kubernetes with Fluentd and Elasticsearch by Jon Langemak
- Logging - Kafka topic by namespace by Michael Ward
- The Complete Guide to Kubernetes Logging by Adnan Rahić
- Logs in Kubernetes: expectations vs reality by Nikolay Bogdanov
- VictoriaLogs: an overview, run in Kubernetes, LogsQL, and Grafana by Arseny Zinchenko
- Kubernetes Monitoring Guide by JM Saponaro
- Installing cAdvisor and Heapster on bare metal Kubernetes by Jon Langemak
- How to Monitor Kubernetes: A 4-Part Series
- Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019
- The Complete Guide to Kubernetes Monitoring by Adnan Rahić
- Practical Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana: 4 Part Series by Yitaek Hwang
- Easy Kubernetes Metrics Server Install in minikube in Five Steps by Thomas P. Fuller
- Kubernetes Monitoring: A complete Guide by Laduram Vishnoi
- VictoriaMetrics: deploying a Kubernetes monitoring stack by Arseny Zinchenko
- Multi-site monitoring with HA and dynamic scale using VictoriaMetrics. A Practical guide by Amit Karni
- Kubernetes Security Guide - RBAC, TLS, Security policy, Network policy, etc.
- Handling Sensitive Data In A Docker Application with Kubernetes Secrets by John Kariuki
- How to Create and Use Kubernetes Secrets by Mohamed Ez Ez
- Kubernetes Security Best Practices
- Running Vault and Consul on Kubernetes by Michael Herman
- Securing Kubernetes Clusters by Eliminating Risky Permissions - by Eviatar Gerzi
- Eight Ways to Create a Pod - by Eviatar Gerzi
- Attacking Kubernetes clusters using the Kubelet API - by Eduardo Baitello
- Kubernetes Authentication plugins and kubeconfig by Jon Langemak
- Kubernetes Authentication - OpenID Connect by Michael Ward
- Kubernetes authentication via GitHub OAuth and Dex by Amet Umerov
- Enable IPv6 on Kubernetes with Project Calico by Valentin Ouvrard
- Kubernetes 101 – Networking by Jon Langemak
- Kubernetes with OpenStack Cloud Provider: Current state and upcoming changes (part 1 of 2)
- Comparison of Networking Solutions for Kubernetes
- IPVS-Based In-Cluster Load Balancing Deep Dive
- Calico for Kubernetes networking: the basics & examples by Oleg Saprykin
- Load balancing gRPC in Kubernetes with a service mesh by Inshaal Amjad
- GitOps: High-Velocity CI/CD for Kubernetes
- Achieving CI/CD with Kubernetes by Ramit Surana
- Jenkins declarative pipelines with Kubernetes
- Adding CI/CD to your Spring Boot app with Jenkins X and Kubernetes by Matt Raible using Jenkins X
- Continuous Integration and Delivery to AWS Kubernetes using Semaphore
- CI/CD for Microservices on DigitalOcean Kubernetes using Semaphore
- How to Release Faster with Continuous Delivery for Google Kubernetes using Semaphore
- Build, Test & Deploy to Kubernetes by Buddy
- CircleCI
- Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide by Jérôme Petazzoni
- Deploying your apps in Kubernetes via GitLab CI/CD integration in werf
- ArgoCD Best Practices
Deep Learning¶
- How to pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam on the first attempt
- Getting Kubernetes Certified: The (mostly) Free Way by Yitaek Hwang
- Answers to 5 Kubernetes CKAD Practice Questions by Thomas P. Fuller
Devops Tools¶
- Kubernetes with SaltStack revisited by Jon Langemak
- Try Kubernetes with Vagrant by Christoph Hartmann
- Cluster Consul using Kubernetes API
- Dynamic Kubernetes installation/configuration with SaltStack by Jon Langemak
- Deploying Kubernetes with SaltStack by Jon Langemak
- Let's Learn Kubernetes by Prashant Ghildiyal
- How to Provision an AWS EKS Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform by Jacob Martin
- Rightsizing Your Kubernetes Cluster by Idan Gazit
- Packaging Multiple Resources together by Arun Gupta
- Scaling Docker with Kubernetes by Carlos Sanchez
- Creating a Kubernetes Cluster to Run Docker Formatted Container Images by Chris Negus
- Containerizing Docker on Kubernetes by Ramit Surana
- Quay: Introducing an Application Registry for Kubernetes by Antoine Legrand
- Play With Kubernetes Quickly Using Docker
- What even is a kubelet? by Kamal Marhubi
- Kubernetes from the ground up: the API server by Kamal Marhubi
- CoreOS + Kubernetes Step By Step by Coreos
- Deploying to Kubernetes with Panamax by Brian DeHamer
- Deploying a Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster by James Kyle
- Kubernetes clusters with Oh-My-Vagrant by James
- Fleet Unit Files for Kubernetes on CoreOS by Michael Hamrah
- Docker Clustering Tools Compared: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes Production Patterns (and Anti-Patterns)
- Introducing Kubic Project
- Three post learn k8s
- Running Flask on Kubernetes
- Simplify your research experiments with Kubernetes by Parmentier Laurent
- Self-registering compact k3OS clusters to Rancher Server via cloud-init by James D. Bohrman
- Benchmarking 5 Popular Load Balancers: Nginx, HAProxy, Envoy, Traefik, and ALB
- Magento on Kubernetes
- Wordpress in Docker with Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Operators Explained by Piotr Perzyna
- Comparing Ingress controllers for Kubernetes by Andrey Radygin
- ConfigMaps in Kubernetes: how they work and what you should remember by Mikhail Nosov
- Kubernetes Ingress Controller Overview by Yitaek Hwang
- Production Checklist for Redis on Kubernetes by Yitaek Hwang
- Ultimate Kubernetes Resource Planning Guide by Yitaek Hwang
- Learn How to Mount a Local Drive in a Pod in minikube by Thomas P. Fuller
- Kubernetes Deployments Demystified: A Guide to the Rolling Update Deployment Strategy by Mercy Bassey